Selamat Hari Raya fam! Starting off the first day of Syawal with tasty treats, and what better way to “berRaya” than with Kuih Raya? Our version is more to ‘cuci mata’, but we are certain most have gone ahead of us and secured tastier kinds on our behalf! (We hope :D)
Some of you mentioned it’s not Raya without Sarang Semut, Semperit, and Kuih Almond London. We decided to turn your answers into an artwork using the @jacquesherbin.official Vert Atlantide – a deep and elegant ink, with a silver veil and golden mist. Just the perfect shade of green for this Raya!
Keep snacking and celebrating the festivities from the safety of home and if you loved how we did this artwork, drop a ? emoji in the comments below!